Friday, July 8, 2011

Mac & Cheese

Yesterday was National Mac & Cheese day. Who knew? Here are some of the best Mac&Cheese recipes from around the web that I have found, to help you celebrate:

Green Chili Mac & Cheese:
LunaCafe Green Chile Mac & Cheese

Carmelized Sweet Potato, Garlic, and Rosemary Mac & Cheese:


Lightly Cheddared Spinach Ricotta Mac&Cheese:

Lightly Cheddared Spinach Ricotta Mac And Cheese

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chocolate Lobster

On a recent trip to Portland, Maine (by the way, very charming town), I stopped in a local chocolatier's shop and found this:

It's a full lobster meal, made completely out of chocolate. Even the little butter on the side is chocolate. Only in Maine. Oh, those Mainahs. (Thats what residents of Maine are known as. I looked it up). At $30, it costs as much as a real lobster meal. But if you know someone who has an obession with both lobsters and chocolates, it would make a really good gift. I'm just saying. They wouldn't let me try the lobster without buying it, so I don't know how it is, but the taffy from this place was really really good: 

PS if you ever go there dont take a camera, they were really weirded out by the concept of a food blogger taking pictures of stuff.